This project is created for factory’s inspector and craftsman for inspecting, reporting and fixing abnormal equipments. The inspectors will have their own tasks for inspect every equipments in each plant. If there is any problem were found on equipment, the inspector will report through mobile application. The server side will generate Maintenance Notification (MN) ticket for inspector and Maintenance Order (MO) ticket for craftsman to start fixing the abnormal equipment. After craftsman fixed the equipment, the craftsman will report back to task owner (inspector) via mobile application that they have done this task. The task owner will receive the message and final check up the equipment again, if the equipment is okay then the task will be closed. I am team leader of this project and this is my first project for being team leader. Honestly, it is not easy to be team leader because I need to learn more about how to motivate team members to do something and practice more about soft skills. Thanks for my team members for his/her helpful and cooperation.
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